I was Chris' wife/caregiver & this is the medical blog I wrote during his treatment. Short history: dx in July 2010, no initial bone marrow involvement, did 5 rounds hyper-cvad protocol. Found out he is in relapse/refractory status with involvement in his chest, spleen, inguinal & throat lymph nodes, bone marrow, spine & brain in January 2011 when we went to MD Anderson for treatment. The two different rounds of chemo Chris got at MDA could not put him in remission; he died of leukemia/lymphoma on March 18th, 2011, an astonishing and horrific 8 months after his diagnosis.
There is a donation page for organizations here: http://chriscranecancer.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 18, 2010

CBC looks good, he is in surgery now

Chris was taken to surgery at about 9:45 this morning.
They said it should take about an hour to insert the portacath but I'm guessing it will be longer because they had problems trying to get into his veins when he had his Hickman put in.  It will be nice with a portacath because he won't have to bandage up and clean the site every time he showers.
After surgery they'll take him to a recovery room and then up to oncology.  We don't know yet if he will start chemo today or tomorrow.  He will be here I am guessing at least 5 days.
Since it's a new hospital and staff we just have to wait and see how they do things here.
He had his blood drawn yesterday and his counts are the best they have been since early August.
(click image to view it larger)

Here is a photo of him before surgery:

I will update more later.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Lookin good Chris! Glad to hear things are going well....very interesting post about the Dr and your appointment with him! Should I have the opportunity to move down there, I'll have to use you guys as a reference! I'm so happy you are settled in with your family and friends! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
