I was Chris' wife/caregiver & this is the medical blog I wrote during his treatment. Short history: dx in July 2010, no initial bone marrow involvement, did 5 rounds hyper-cvad protocol. Found out he is in relapse/refractory status with involvement in his chest, spleen, inguinal & throat lymph nodes, bone marrow, spine & brain in January 2011 when we went to MD Anderson for treatment. The two different rounds of chemo Chris got at MDA could not put him in remission; he died of leukemia/lymphoma on March 18th, 2011, an astonishing and horrific 8 months after his diagnosis.
There is a donation page for organizations here: http://chriscranecancer.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 13, 2011

re: CT scan

Had some questions about his CT scan coming back normal and if that meant they couldn't detect any cancer.

The short answer is that they didn't do the CT scan to detect cancer; they did it to see if there were any masses in his abdomen that could explain his enlarged tummy & sharp pains in that area.

The leukemia/cancer is still in his throat lymph nodes, spleen, inguinal lymph nodes, & bone marrow.

We won't know for about 2 more weeks if the chemo he finished up 7 days ago is putting him in remission.


  1. Thank you for clarifying that. Fingers crossed for the test results to come back in your favor.


  2. I'm going to try an figure out another trip real soon. Hang in there!
