I was Chris' wife/caregiver & this is the medical blog I wrote during his treatment. Short history: dx in July 2010, no initial bone marrow involvement, did 5 rounds hyper-cvad protocol. Found out he is in relapse/refractory status with involvement in his chest, spleen, inguinal & throat lymph nodes, bone marrow, spine & brain in January 2011 when we went to MD Anderson for treatment. The two different rounds of chemo Chris got at MDA could not put him in remission; he died of leukemia/lymphoma on March 18th, 2011, an astonishing and horrific 8 months after his diagnosis.
There is a donation page for organizations here: http://chriscranecancer.blogspot.com

Thursday, January 27, 2011

doing even better!

Chris is feeling good this afternoon and seems quite clear-headed.  We took a walk around the Leukemia Unit and looked out the windows at the view from up here on the 16th floor.  Here are some photos I took last week of the view with my phone:

After we got back to his room we sat on the couch together in front of the computer and Skyped a bit with Magnus.  It is so much fun to be able to see and talk with him over the computer when we are away from him.  We sang songs together (Science is Real and Roy G Biv by They Might Be Giants and Are You Sleeping Brother John).  He asked daddy if he likes chili peppers (yes!) and told us he likes french fries.  He was looking out the window at Chris' parents house and told us about the houses he could see and how he went trick-or-treating in his monkey costume and rang the bell and they gave him candy!  He told us about how he needed a piece of paper so he could write Santa a thank you letter and say thank you for the toys and cereal!  Chris got him those little boxes of cereal as one of his presents from Santa.
We said our goodbyes and Chris rested a bit until his lumbar puncture with chemo.  They do it in his hospital room here, it's nice not having him transported downstairs and across the building to do it.  It went fine and he is now resting on his back for the required hour.  His platelets are low (7) and so his hemoglobin (7.6) so he is getting blood and platelets transfused today.  
I'm going to leave later on to shower and change clothes and then come back to stay the night with him.  It's really really good to see him not nearly so disoriented.