I was Chris' wife/caregiver & this is the medical blog I wrote during his treatment. Short history: dx in July 2010, no initial bone marrow involvement, did 5 rounds hyper-cvad protocol. Found out he is in relapse/refractory status with involvement in his chest, spleen, inguinal & throat lymph nodes, bone marrow, spine & brain in January 2011 when we went to MD Anderson for treatment. The two different rounds of chemo Chris got at MDA could not put him in remission; he died of leukemia/lymphoma on March 18th, 2011, an astonishing and horrific 8 months after his diagnosis.
There is a donation page for organizations here: http://chriscranecancer.blogspot.com

Monday, January 31, 2011

getting released today!!

We are at the hospital waiting for Chris to get released soon!
We're just waiting on them to get all his outpatient procedures scheduled before we can go.  His bags are packed and I picked up his meds from pharmacy a bit ago.
I left pharmacy with a large bag full of medicine and injections to give him for a mere $22.60.  I will be giving him the Neupogen injections twice a day for at least the next week or so.  These shots will boost the production of white blood cells in his bone marrow which will help prevent him from becoming neutropenic, which would likely put him back in the hospital.  He has had shots like these before but never this frequent so I'm optimistic about his ability to stay out of the hospital for a bit!
He has quite a few new or different versions of medicines he'll be taking as well.  I have a large pill container that has slots for a.m. and p.m. for two weeks worth of meds to fill up once we get checked into the hotel.
He will have to come to the hospital at least every day, sometimes several times a day, for the next 2-3 weeks.
We, and all of us, are quite excited for him to be getting out of the hospital sometime soon!
Two wonderful friends in Denver are having some pre-assembled meals delivered to our hotel!  Here is a link to the company:
They have a fantastic and fresh menu and 100% of their profits to training the youths that age out of the foster care system, so they have the job skills to go forward in their lives!
Once I know our room # at the hotel I'll post the mailing address on here.